Aveda | Aging and Hair Thinning – What Happens Under the Scalp

In a study that could expand the understanding of hair loss with age, scientists from the University of Bradford and AVEDA have identified specific changes in the scalp cells of women that contribute to the thinning of hair – a condition that affects a vast majority as they grow older1)2). This cellular-level research focuses on the dermal sheath (DS) and dermal papilla (DP) cells, which are integral to the lifecycle of hair follicles. The findings provide a promising direction for understanding the underlying causes of hair thinning in aging women, with the potential to improve the quality of life for a demographic often underrepresented in scalp research. The study was presented at the 13th World Congress for Hair Research in Dallas, Texas, which took place from April 6-9, 2024.

After nine years of meticulous study on scalp skin, researchers at the University of Bradford, in partnership with AVEDA, have pioneered an in-depth analysis of scalp cell biology, focusing on a diverse group of female subjects aged 20 to 68. Leveraging the latest techniques such as single-cell RNA sequencing and proteomics*, the team has significantly advanced the understanding of the intricate cellular processes that underpin hair growth and maintenance.

Download the full news release here:

Aveda x Bradford Scalp Credentialing Science News Release NL

PDF - 937 Kb

1) Experimental Dermatology (2020) 29 (7), 588-597
2) Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2021) 141, 1041-1051

*Single-cell RNA sequencing is a technique that examines the gene expression of individual cells, identifying which genes are switched on or off, thereby revealing the cells' roles and states. Proteomics complements this by mapping out the entire set of proteins produced in a cell, providing a snapshot of its structure and function. The integration of these technologies enriches the depth and accuracy of the insights gained into hair biology.

Wadie El Fakhari

Client Service Director, MMBSY Amsterdam

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